Thursday, September 22, 2011

Equinox and Exams

Today is equinox. The 23rd September, 2011. Had an absurd thought last year, "a 360 day year"! There were some efforts also and where one friend, who is a sincere follower of astronomy, assisted to bring out a solution. As the equinox was referred to in the talks while assessing the need and feasibility of 360 Day calendar, I feel to pay a valid tribute to the equinox today.

Eventually, there are exams. It's one paper though. Ek ghante ka ek paper aur baat khatam! Pichhle ek-dedh mahine me yeh second attempt hai! First attempt got me 18 marks. It was a result of no preparations, due to quite hectic. And the 'hectivity' remains constant. So am curious, while least am taking the paper lightly, but it would be of greatest interest, how many marks are pulled today!

Uprising environmentally

This post is in fact a reply to Neele Gagan Ke Panchhi's (previously known as Comrade Rudra) Uttarakhand's another Mass Movement. The reply is somehow not getting through so making it a New Blog at my end.

The discourse follows:

Not really eligible to offer an acceptable - considerable thought. While we often witness and assess ongoing uprisings, critically when remaining well aware of the state and progress (outcome) of such every uprising on a parallel track, the thought of its effects, its impact, and a fruitful outcome always have remained a question in themselves each.

It stimulates the mind and mindsets, and thus in an immature yet perception, uprising and their style and approach, as of now, are crash course for people, for the civic society, for the voters, to get updated, a little, yet in a very stray manner with high riding emotions back of the mind, they get to know, what the system may be, and they know a little against highest the spirit they are bound to experience.

So in turn, technically, uprisings may be need of the day, looking at its positive side, for it may (or may not) give a chance to people to come across the constitutional aspect of what is ruling them, and at the same time, it offers slight an insight, if it has to, to understand and evaluate individual's role in how system really work, when they stand up for the "rights".

Such structural movements, when running with slight a "know-how" flavor and within the frame-set of law and constitutional duties, are perhaps case study in emergent world in this millennium. Scholars must have to study, their viability and effectiveness, in and for, healthy democratic establishments. On a negative side, they often may not be well engineered and it can never be predicted and guaranteed that the movements will not be invasive, non-violent and void of vision.

Such movements, and uprising, however, are a result of persistent exposure to injustice, suppression and an intellectual gap which push the society to cross the threshold. In a number of cases, spontaneous they are in nature.

Let us assume a case of a lady who is fairly healthy yet, who I came across early August 2011 at a clinic, and met her today again just as a matter of chance when visited one elderly-family friend in Ahmedabad, an M.S., Surgeon, aged over 80 years, for exchanging a book at his clinic, and about the lady, herself an ignorant sufferer who has ignored a respiratory complication for over a decade. She can't breathe! I could see, my old friend, country's renowned specialist, had put her on cortico-steroids to take the control of traumatic condition.

Contradiction is the learned specialist is not much in favor of drugs and medications, but technically sound, his shots generally do not miss the target. Patients feel they are dying, and he knows they are on a wrong track, despite he listens to every patient so patiently as if he is just a listener and not master doctor. After all, he is the one, who has cured tens and tens of thousands of patients across the continent. Other than medications, and scientific healing, he educates the people to narrow the gap as much as possible.

After a couple of weeks of tapering dose of steroids, he duly focuses on controlling various factors that attribute to stamina, fitness, energy, resistant power and vitality of the patient. He strives at his best, engaging the patient with him, to identify and reckon the root cause.

Starting with about 7 different types of medicines, he gradually tapers not only the steroid input, but also the number of medications, after couple of weeks.

The patient starts realizing, conquering his/her psychological barriers and beliefs, fears and assumptions, the importance of root cause. A month passes, and the patient is reduced to a couple of medicines, after coming above withdrawal symptoms of steroid which lasted for a couple of weeks in the beginning, and minor side-effects of other drugs.

The patient is told to follow the rules and eat and merry. This is very simple explanation, stretched to a length, but what is crucial is "symptoms", "fear" and finally "technical gap". A few medicines and importantly the healthy state of mind work in favor of a favorable health.

Returning to Uttarakhand, a Hill state must have to have some particular socio-cultural as well as technically and demographically distinct dynamics, and the gap could be still a technical one. Along with corruption, if it is said to have been evident, the education and healing, while being critical approach which can curtail corruption at a drastic level and can help the government machinery to serve the society, subject to a profound will, while the doctor (government machinery) will continue working as yet. And root cause to promote/initiate/discover well being could be Energy, Connectivity and later, setting up of Infrastructure, gradually.

So the final stress narrow down on becoming Energy Independent. Like the young - healthy lady who have to have really good health, except an ignored respiratory disorder, the land of this Hill state has every ingredient available which attributes to an ever glowing space, and these ingredients remaining underutilized yet, which can convert the state into an Energy Independent region, in real. Environment Conservation and all strategic, sensible alternative energy resources, when rendered, can start promoting overall good health of the state, in terms of Infrastructure, Connectivity, and a legible, permissible development which suit best to environs of such a terrain.

The specialist - surgeon, he once hinted for his prescribed course and the treatment are mapped for a period of 4 months. The patient is running as if for a marathon, just next month itself. But it is an outcome of a vision, patience and consistent bilateral contribution where the WILL is dominant, in subconscious of the patient and patients' master is just for that, with even a stronger will. He charges INR 100, for first visit and charges INR 50 for rest of the sittings. Either the patient is rich, poor, young, old, a lady, a gentleman or a kid, of every class, creed, ethnicity and community.

Therefore, it has to be a long-term task, rising out of a strong will and bilateral thorough contribution. But it can be done and after a period of time, it may sound like a miracle! Miracle happens!

Environment conservation with a complementary approach under a very sound blueprint. Can this be an actual uprising?